Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sleepless nights...

I've decided that another thing that amazes me is the ability to operate on virtually no sleep.

In example, when one comes to college they might have been used to staying up late, but most are used to being able to sleep in the following morning, or at least on that Saturday. This is not the case with college. Considering student work jobs on the weekends, or endless homework, christian service that must be done, or any manner of other things, there isn't always time to sleep in on Saturdays.
I know from my own personal experience that weekends are just as busy as a week day. I think I've had a sum total of five to six Saturdays that I was able to sleep in, and that my friends is being liberal with my estimates. I know this isn't necessarily true for all students, but probably so for most.

I'm amazed at how many students run off of three to six hours of sleep a night, and sad to admit, I am amongst that majority. I suppose being an avid coffee drinker does have it's perks, although sometimes it just doesn't cut it. That's when I start to notice heads nodding in chapel...this amuses me...until I realize that I to am beginning to doze. *sigh* I think that this problem is what eventually catches up with adults in their late sixties and causes constant napping in the
Also by this point any adult that used to be able to stay up by drinking coffee, well, their bodies have now built up a wonderful immune system to all caffeine products.

So in essence, college will come back to haunt us one day, and what seemed like important reasons to stay up, (such as writing blogs about loss of sleep) will all seem so trivial...