Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An update

on the Life And Times Of Tiffany Barr.

Sorry it's been a while. Wait...no I'm not.

My room is unpacked and arranged. Everything is in it's place, with the exception of a single bookshelf that is in disarray. I plan to fix that - eventually. I even printed out and framed some of my pics from this summer...and they're on my wall! Impressive right?

Moving on...

The freshman almost intrigue me. Half of me wants to get to know them and to befriend them, while the other half doesn't even want to try to remember their names. I did, however, help one of them put her hair up today, apparently she's never really had to wear it up - poor girl.

Three of the freshmen are related to me. Weirds me out. I'm in class w/two of them. That took me off guard. Oh well, I can play. It is, after all, my playground. I think between Brittany and I they're already wondering what they've gotten into in this particular class. They'll catch on - I hope.

Since when does GBS offer coffee for 7am classes...? And why wasn't it offered in my math class(which I'm taking against my will...sorta)? And why was it Starbucks?
I did reap the benefit(if you call Starbucks black coffee that) of it's, still hot, leftovers in my second period class. Thanks Mr. Profitt, and Ricki, and Joe, and Cravens girl who's first name is escaping me.

I love revival schedule. It confuses the freshmen. For that matter it still confuses the upperclassmen. (Is that really one word?)
Not to mention, it allows me to go to math class a half hr. later than the norm, and that friends is a plus!
Also, it's nice to have an opportunity to "refresh and refuel" spiritually before barreling head long into the semester.

Random thought: Bro. (Chris) Cravens is a great illustrationist. (I liked it better)
He also reminds me of someone, but I can't place who. Oh well, I'll try to place it while I head to bed...

(And to all you lurkers...now I know you're there. So HA!)


Alanna said...

where was MY coffee??? ;) Math should be, uh, stimulating huh? I really like Mr. Ratcliff though...it should be fun. O come on...you know it will be. lol.

Anonymous said...

Haha, yes I heard about the coffee!! No fair! And...yes, the lovely lurkers! I just happen to be one, so now you can't say I've never commented! ;-)

Issa said...

I was struck by an epiphany today. (don't worry it didn't hurt much)I think Bro Cravens (Chris) looks like and sort of talks like papa! What do you think?