Saturday, February 10, 2007


*sigh* I'm tired and bored of the same old hum-drum. Do you ever just reach that point when nothing seems ineresting anymore? When nothing can hold your attention?

It seems to me that while living on a college campus, without a car, it takes some creativity to come up with something interesting to do. I mean, there are only so many things that are even remotely close for those on foot...ok, it's not quite that bad, but it might as well be on some nights.

For instance, if I just wanted to wander off and go shopping alone, or hang out in a park, well that ain't gonna happen. This is because of the fact that whenever I want to go somwhere I have to find someone to take me, or borrow their car, and since I'm not on any insurrence well, too presents a problem. So, the next possible step is to find a group to hang with, which means that you can't go wherever you want, it ends up being wherever the group wants to go. And that is another problem all in itself. No one can ever make up their minds, or they just don't have an opinion which can be just as bad. So then you spend and hour and a half discussing possiblities of what you could do. Oh, and of course half the group will have money, and half will not. *sigh* This make my head spin.

Anyway, I'm sitting here, on a Saturday nite, "doing homework" in the snack shop. Actually, as obvious, I am adding an entry into my blog, but I did get all the reading done for two of my classes already. Oh, and I'm playing chapron to my buddy "Drama Queen" (shout out to Gigi).

So, that's my nite. Oh, and it's cold, did I mention that it's cold? I can't stand being cold constantly, but for the past week...yep, you guessed it, I've been cold. Cursed snow!

Anyway...I'm tried of typing so I wish you all well, and hope you have many happy days ahead....
