Sunday, December 27, 2009

Just for you...

"Sisters. Sisters. There were never such devoted sisters..."

I finally bought (although I'd never seen) White Christmas. I rather enjoyed it...
"Lord help the mister who comes between me and my sister, and Lord help the sister, who comes between me and my man". hehehe

I would call our Christmas this year a smashing success. Everyone seemed to like what they received and enjoyed giving what they'd gotten for each one, but more importantly than all that, we really enjoyed each other.
We had a great lunch, played games, watched movies, and just generally loved each other. I am so blessed by this fact. I realize there are others out there that didn't have such a pleasant and loved-filled holiday, and so I want to continue thanking God for His goodness to me and mine. He's been so faithful to us this year.

I've been noticing some changes around our home. Don't worry, they're the good kind. I don't care to share them here, but I do wish to acknowledge them and once again thank my Maker for His care and concern over every area in our lives. Do feel free to pray for our family though, as we may have some big changes headed our way, but that's not for certain yet.

All in all, I think this coming year holds great potential for myself, my family, and my friends. I wish you all well as you ring it in, and can't wait to see you once you return from your various places of escape.

Be safe, love God, and HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!
