Sunday, March 6, 2011

Death of a hobby

So I've been thinking. I don't like that blogging seems to have gone by the wayside. Well at least in my life it I'm hoping for a comeback. Mostly for my own narcissistic reasons, but I'm ok with that. *shrug*

Life these days is mundane to say the least. Albeit my mind has had several rampant, repetitious trains of thought lately. These usually pertain to the questions of my future and what lies beyond this murky haze of a present. Sadly there has been no direct response to the questions I've asked the universe, but I'm still hoping for my illusive 42. I do know however that whatever answers the universe may conjure up will be of little value to me in the end, and I also know where I ought to be directing said questions in the first place. So do not fret, dear reader...I am in the progress of addressing this misdirection in my life. Feel free to invest in this endeavor however you so choose...

To any whom so desire, I'd love for you to comment about whatever may (or may not) be happening in your life.