Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oddly out of place

I'm back home(ish).

Funny thing is I feel so out of place.
When you have to juggle your personal effects around a room that comes predecorated it tends to produce this feeling. Sigh.

To think that, in around three months I'll be packing up what few(ha that word shouldn't be used here) things I brought w/me and lugging them back into the dorm, is about to drive me crazy. This is my lot in life I fear.

I am, however, already thinking through some of my redecorating plans for my dorm room come this fall. Funny -- I was doing this as I was packing that room up. Good thing about thinking ahead to that is now I can keep my eyes open for deals this summer on some of what I'm looking for.

Although I need to be thrifty...considering how many trips I'm wanting to go on this summer.
I'm working through the pros and cons of each at this point. My possible desinations are: KS/OK, PA/NY, and AL/FL.

I'm really torn as to what direction to head and how many places I can go. I do have one trip that's certain on my going, Washington state. I'm heading there for Brenda's wedding and I've already bought an airline ticket so its a go.

Oh! And I'm going to Kidz Adventure. I will be there from June 15th-18th...and I fly to Brenda's on the 18th.

Sheer craziness is what that boils down to.

Anyway, twas' just thinking through my summer plans. I'll be sure to let you all know where I plan to end up.

Coming (possibly) to a city near you,