Saturday, January 17, 2009

A new hobby

I have a new hobby...OK, confession -- its not really new, I've done this b/f (its just not normally documented).

I like to visit the cemetery!

I used to be creeped out by them, but in the past several years, I've come to the conclusion that they're alright, and kind of interesting actually.

In fact, sometime last semester I hung out in one with several friends...too bad we didn't have a camera, but we did have fun! It was a Jewish cemetery that time.

I like visiting old ones, or the ones that have huge markers that you can hide behind. Kind of weird...I know.


Melissa Phelps said...

so this one time, several friends (we both know and love) and I decided to visit a cemetary at like 12:30 or so at night. Then we got creeped out by the scary groundskeeper who gets prowlers arrested, so we went to the resevior instead.

Megobuddy said...

It is SO not weird...well, maybe at night.
We should go together sometime in the spring. I recommend the Spring Hill Cemetary.

Stanton said...

I like cemeteries. Spring Grove rocks. :)